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Government Procurement Service Award Tricostar a Framework Agreement for the Provision of G-Cloud Services

Tricostar are pleased to announce that Timebase247 for SaaS (Software as a Service) has been awarded a framework agreement for the provision of G-Cloud Services by the Government Procurement Service.Jeff Lawler, Managing Partner of Tricostar stated “This is the first time Tricostar have been awarded a Framework Agreement and it shows the government’s commitment to SME’s to engage with government in the provision of key cloud applications. We are delighted with this achievement and that we successfully met all the requirements of the framework agreement for SaaS.”

About Timebase 247:

Key Features

  • Very fast Implementation – no local infrastructure required – just web access
  • You only pay per user
  • Scalable to thousands of users
  • After initial contract period the number of users is flexible per month
  • Minimal training required
  • Configurable to local language and departmental nomenclature

How you record Time

Timebase247 provides a 'stop-watch' style time recording facility to allow users to record their time as they are working. Users can begin to record time immediately at the touch of a button, and then once they have finished their task fill in the matter and activity detail. Timebase also provides the user with a 'Recent List'; this shows the user the 10 most recent matters they have worked on and allows them to view or beginning timing against those matters at the click of a button.Users may record historic time or time spent away from the office. For those users who prefer to record all their time at once, they can easily do so by filling in a timesheet entry against each of the matters they have worked on, be it chargeable, non-chargeable or an expense or income activity. This can be done across a range of matters, activities and dates. Also available from web enabled phones.


Our 22+ years of time recording experience in the government market means that Timebase comes with a full set of pre-defined reports that allow all users to report on any aspect of the system, be it internal or external activities. Administrators can also create their own using the inbuilt simple to use wizard driven user interface. All data can be exported to MSWord, PDF or MSExcel.

Departmental Management

The highly granular security model allows separate departments to have their own time recording systems with "firewalls" between departmental data. This is ideal for organisations who would like to use the benefits of time recording, across multiple departments, but use only one shared service system to do so.For a fuller feature set please go to or contact Tricostar on 0208 292 2660