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Training & Maximising System Buy-In From Users

Ensuring Your End-Users Utilise Your Solution

Too often over the years, contractors haven’t understood that creating a solution that end users can relate to is absolutely key.End-users are the people that will be using the system every day, for many hours a day, so making sure that they are happy with what they’re doing not only improves the morale of your workforce, but has a direct impact on the productivity and efficiency of your operation.As well as designing solutions that users accept, it is important to train people to utilise it to its full potential.

Preparation From The Start

If you are creating a bespoke solution, it is important that end-users are consulted before and during the development stage, to match up business requirements with feedback about everyday use and common concerns.If you are implementing a solution that already exists, end-users should be consulted during the shortlisting stage. If your organisation is too big to consult all system users, try to develop focus groups that reflect the wishes and concerns of their user groups.By taking this approach, you should minimise the amount of resistance to a new implementation, by addressing the concerns beforehand. This could take the form of preparing users mentally for necessary features that they’re not comfortable with, or alternatively adapting your solution to cater for these issues.Proper planning is absolutely essential, and will mitigate the risk of surprising your end-users with unfamiliar processes.


The importance of good design cannot be overstated. A system could have unlimited functionality, and on paper it could be the answer to all your organisation’s problems. However, without a good user interface, it won’t be used to its full capacity.Ugly design has a huge impact on users’ willingness to accept and utilise any system, so this must be a primary consideration during the development or shortlisting process.Furthermore, bear in mind that users may not be familiar with some of the new technologies that are implemented for modern organisations. Cloud computing has revolutionised business IT, and this must be translated properly to users in terms of the cloud’s improvements to reliability and security.


Once you have decided on the right business system for your organisation, whether it be CRM, ERP, Time Recording, or anything else, the first period of training is essential to maximise immediate buy-in from end-users.By giving administrators and users the best start possible, they can utilise the system more efficiently as soon as it is implemented.Training administrators properly on new systems means that it can remain sustainable, as they are able to train other new users on the system when they join the organisation.

What We Do

At Tricostar, we work with clients to understand the levels of training required, and set out the priorities according to the rollout plan. If there are any specific requirements, such as training users in particular processes, we develop a programme to provide this.We then follow this structured training programme, to ensure that every user administrator get the most from our training as possible. The programme will usually include a skills audit, as well as allocated time for discussion about common issues and best practice.Training doesn’t end here, as we provide ongoing assistance and guidance post-launch. This includes onsite support for users in their first hours, allowing them to have instant answers to usability questions.Planning training properly is something that we take great pride in, and ensures that we offer an efficient operation that sets users off on the right foot, and allows your organisation to benefit a from system implementation immediately.For any questions regarding our training, or maximising buy-in for your users, get in touch with Tricostar by calling 0208 292 2660. You can also contact us online.