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Business Processes that Lead to Cloud Computing

There has been significant growth in the use of cloud software in business transactions. There is cloud software for almost any business process or operation you could think of. Among the many applications that have caused companies to take up cloud solutions, there are three main business processes that are driving the shift to the cloud. These processes are Data Storage, Project Management and IT resources.Businesses have to a large extent embraced cloud computing as it gives them convenient and affordable access to the latest IT resources. In the past, small businesses had to make do with obsolete technologies as the latest IT resources were well beyond their budgets. Cloud computing has however significantly changed this situation and businesses now have access to the most advanced technologies at very affordable rates. IT services and products are no longer the reserve of big business. This has helped level the playing field as small businesses can now compete on the same technical level with bigger companies.Data storage is another important process that has pushed companies to taking up cloud solutions. This seems to be among the top reasons given by companies taking up cloud computing. Having overcome the initial security concerns that dogged the launch of cloud computing, the popularity of cloud software used in data storage seems to be permanently set on an upward trend. Data backup, storage and management through cloud solutions has provided unprecedented convenience for business owners as they can now access and use their data from any point on earth while using a wide range of devices with the only requirements being compatibility and access to the internet.The shift to cloud computing has also been fuelled by the convenience of project management solutions. Cloud software developed for the purposes of managing projects has made it possible to easily and conveniently manage a project from one location while those working on it are scattered in different parts of the world. The main advantage here is that you can now hire the best people from around the world to work on various aspects of your project while conveniently keeping an eye on progress. The cloud software for project management allows you and your team to share ideas, monitor progress and quickly complete projects while minimising costs.There are many other reasons given by businesses for taking their operations to the cloud. These three are however the most common reason that has led companies to buying cloud software to improve their operations and processes.