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What Can an IT Infrastructure Review Uncover For Your Business?

Information technology plays an increasingly important role in any modern day business. The systems and processes behind any company, from large multinationals to tiny startups, depend on the quality of the technology that drives them.As the pace with which technology is evolving shows little sign of abating, it’s vital the IT infrastructure in every company is up to the task. Poor business systems can not only affect the bottom line, but also damage staff morale and have a negative effect on the reputation of a business.While larger companies may have in-house measures in place to monitor the state of their own systems, many small to medium sized companies do not have the capacity to do so. Even those companies which already have long term strategies in place are susceptible to changes in personnel and technology and these changes can force a rethink. Without a dedicated team working on IT solutions within a company, quick-fixes may be put in place which can build up over time and lead to a costly overhaul further down the line.

Expert Third Party

Smaller businesses can benefit from the introduction of an expert third party. An IT infrastructure review can be carried out in order to determine the efficiency of the business systems employed by a business. Such a review will also aim to reduce the overall costs spent on IT and also improve its reliability further down the line. Adopting the right technology at the right time can be key to future proofing the systems within a company.An infrastructure review will look at many different aspects of IT systems. Procedures and responsibilities will be accessed and streamlined if necessary, ensuring industry best practices are adhered to and the right team members are put in place. Documentation is also something that can be improved and this is vital for many small businesses without the scope to do so themselves.One of the most important aspects of an IT review is that of disaster recovery. Depending on the size of the company and how much data they must store, a recovery plan could be critical to the business when something unexpected goes wrong. Following an IT review local and cloud based solutions will be put in place to ensure not only the security of a company’s data but also a smooth transition back to full functionality after a disaster occurs.

Any Size Business

Regardless of the size of a business, it’s likely that at least some of the software or hardware used by at least some members of staff will be dated and in need of a refresh. Whether that software or hardware still does it’s job is beside the point, as support can become an issue.It’s important that hardware and software is kept up to date and within the scope of the support contracts to ensure there are no failures or security lapses. An IT infrastructure review will audit hardware and software and recommend updates where necessary. Security can also be a bit of a minefield for many small businesses, so this is yet another area a review can bring peace of mind.As well as the more technical aspects of IT infrastructure within a business, a review will look at the human factors which also play a role in the overall picture. Having the right hardware and software is one thing, but if staff members aren’t able to use it then the system falls short.Reviewers will assess the ease of use of systems in place and try to ensure that all staff members have the sufficient training to work efficiently. As well as ensuring smooth running, this will also ensure no members of staff are negatively affected by any anxiety related to being unable to use any of the technology sufficiently.The final aspect to be considered by an IT infrastructure review, and often the main reason for doing one in the first place, is financial. Accurately analysing each area of IT infrastructure, down the to finest detail, and planning for replacements and upgrades can save large amounts of money of a long period of time. Furthermore, mapping IT usage to the actual needs of the business is essential to maintaining a realistic budget and ensuring technology isn’t costing more than it should be.Especially useful for businesses unable to service their own IT needs, an IT infrastructure review is the smart way to keep up with the growing pace of technology and not be left behind by competitors.For more information about the IT infrastructure reviews that we provide to our clients, click here.If you have any questions at all, get in touch by calling +44 (0)208 292 2660. You can also contact us online.