Making the Switch

Is your business ready for cloud computing?

Growing pains can often cripple service managers and network administrators. As and when when businesses grow, so too does the demand for technology which often leads to company-wide system upgrades.Upgrading networks can be costly to implement, as well as impacting day-to-day activities for management and staff. In some cases, hardware updates can grind business to a halt which has a knock-on effect on overall company performance.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing significantly reduces the cost, specifically through optimising performance and saving time, often as a direct result of network administration and IT upgrades.Switching to the cloud can be a big decision for a company - and so it should be. There are a number of concerns associated with "the big switch", some typical examples are listed below:

  • What happens if the technology fails?
  • What if our business broadband goes down?
  • What happens if there is an isolated power cut with our hosting provider?
  • What happens if a ember of staff deletes an important document or file?
  • What happens if a hacker breaches the host provider's security?

Assuming your company is experienced in the practice of backing up data, switching to the cloud should be a no-brainer; common fears with cloud computing are often concerned with giving up control rather than a fear of practicalities outline above.If you would like to discuss the practicalities of cloud computing in more detail, or you would like more information about making the big switch, please get in touch with a member of the Tricostar team.


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